Pinterest Marketing Tools To Help Your Business Grow

Pinterest is gaining popular social media to promote business nowadays because Pinterest social media is a consumer-friendly website. The use of Pinterest social media allows your customer to see things in a different perspective because you only share pictures and videos. Basic use of this social media is helpful but to make it useful, use special tools to improve visibility and consumer experience. Pinterest social media grew as one of the most popular social media along with Facebook and Twitter. In fact, its growth from May 2011 to May 2012 growth percentage is 4177%. Pinterest was also able to surpass Bing and Google in terms of referral traffic. It now ranks behind Google for organic links. On top of that, Time Magazine named it as one of the 50 best websites of 2011. The growth is so phenomenal that as a business owner, they should use this advantage to also let their business grow. Why would you not take advantage of this very phenomenal social media website.

Pinterest social media itself has a lot of good tools for posting and managing content. If you look deeper in your pinterest social media seo account, you’ll see the Goodies section of the website which includes Pint button, which can be put in your website to encourage visitors you your page. Follow button in which when put in your website, you can create more followers. Pinterest social media seo For Mobile devices on the other hand lets users see your pinterest pins in iPads, iPhones or other mobile devices. There are also tools for Pinterest that are created by third-party developers. These third-party sites allow your Pinterest social media seo to have more functionality. Pin Puff and Pin Reach are analytical sits that gives an in-dept. analysis which can help you gauge influence. Pin Alerts is a site which let you know when people are repining, commenting, or liking your pinterest pins. Pinerly is a marketing dashboard which displays information business owners like clickthroughs, repins, and likes useful for marketing campaigns.

For content creation, there are several websites to help you do a compelling visual content. Websites like Pinstamatic is a service which can increase your posts and visual content by just adding links to your Twitter profile, and websites from your Pinterest boards. PinaQuote and ShareAsmage are sites which can turn your simple image into attractive image before you pin it. Pinvolve is a site that helps increase the ability and connects your followers to Facebook. WordPress Pinterest social media Plugin is a WordPress plugin which has a Pin it button you can in in WordPress to help you connect to your blog users. URL2P and SnapTo is a website which can help attach your entire web page and websites to your pinterest pins. These Pinterest marketing tools can help discover your content. When your Pinterest profile gets discovered more, the more you can have followers in a similar niche. These followers can help improve your website traffic the way Facebook and Twitter can. Pinterest has a great potential in helping your business grow so make use of its full features to your advantage.